Next up for the blog are some classic brownies! I realized while making these that so many of the desserts on here so far have been chocolate flavored. Despite this, chocolate isn't even one of my favorites, I just have a lot of cocoa powder I need to get rid of!
For next time, I'll try to bake something that isn't chocolate haha.
Anyway, today are just some regular, easy brownies. These are a classic and there are a whole lot of variations when it comes to them. Surly some of you have seen the ultra super fancy ones on places like instagram and everyone's always debating on whether chewy or doughy brownies are the best. Personally, I'm team chewy.
These brownies are easy to make, honestly, as usual I just used to box mix to make them so all you have to do is follow the instructions on the box. I did the usual thing where I replace some of the ingredients, but just the butter this time! If you were to replace everything else, in my experience, your chocolate brownies are going to end up tasting and feeling more like chocolate cake, which is yummy, but not what we're going for.
When you're done with the mixture you can add all the extra things like nuts, caramels, and all those other add-ins. The only thing that I like to add to mine is a pretty thick layer of Nutella on top of the batter. This really gives it a nice extra bit of sweetness with the hints of hazelnuts.
After the brownies are done baking, I sprinkle some powdered sugar on the top for presentation purposes and then dig in! I don't make brownies often, I find them really sweet, sometimes too sweet even for my taste. But every once in a while they're a nice treat especially paired with a cold glass of almond milk (because I can't drink regular milk lol).
