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Cinnamon Sugar Cookies

For the next entry on the blog, I wanted to go back to the basics, and I thought, what's more basic than a simple sugar cookie? The answer is pretty much nothing, cookies are, for the most part, as simple as you can get.

At first, I contemplated doing a regular sugar cookie, but wondered if that might be too lazy, so finally I decided to add a little something extra by making them some cinnamon sugar cookies instead.

That said, definitely don't make these if you have some kind of cinnamon allergy. My sister is mildly allergic to cinnamon, where her mouth starts feeling a bit tingly and her tongue gets a bit swollen, but nothing serious, but if your allergy is worse than hers, then this is something I do not recommend at all!

Even though my sister decided to eat them even after I told her they had cinnamon in them, she gave them two thumbs up, my mom thought they were pretty good too.

After trying them out myself, I decided that I liked them as well. They reminded me a bit of if the cinnamon toast crunch cereal had been made into a cookie form, nicely sweet with a good amount of cinnamon. That said, I'm not really a fan of sugar cookies, or cookies as a whole for that matter. Simply put, I chose to make this because it was pretty simple haha. Rest assured, I still put my all into them, but they were a nice break from some of the previous entries, and I didn't have to wait too long after they cooled to be able to eat them. I didn't even have to make any frosting this time which is always a plus.

As always, you're going to want to pre-heat your oven to 375.

To make the cookies themselves, you're just going to go with a basic sugar cookie recipe and add some cinnamon.

You're going to start by mixing your dry ingredients together. In a bowl that's:

2 3/4 cups of all purpose flour

1 tbsp of cinnamon powder/ground cinnamon

2 tsp cream of tartar

1tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt

1 3/4 cup of granulated sugar

Your wet ingredients are going to be mixed in a separate bowl, they're going to be:

1 cup of softened butter (not melted)

2 large eggs

2 tsp vanilla extract

After you've done mixing both, slowly incorporate the two together mixing it together until you can shape the dough as you wish. Now, at this point, you can either chose to refrigerate the dough for two hours, or you can just bake them as it. From personal experience, I didn't really find too much of a difference whether you do this step or not, so if you have time and you think this will make them taste better, then by all means, wait the two hours. However, if you're like me and want to eat some cookies, just roll them up and place them evenly onto a line baking sheet.

Pop them in the oven until they're golden brown and voila!

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