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Easy(?) Ramekin "Brownie"

The very first recipe I tried out was what was supposed to be an easy ramekin brownie. Indeed, in theory it was easy, looking back at it, the recipe utilized the barest number of ingredients and only required a short minute in the microwave to complete, but i have

the tendency to overestimate myself and underestimate the challenges that come with baking certain things.

I came across this recipe through a TikTok by the user @jwquickfood and it seemed simple enough.

3 Tbsp oat flour

1 Tbsp chocolate powder

½ Tsp baking powder

100 ml liquid sugar

Add on top of the mixture, a square of dark or milk chocolate

Then placed in the microwave for one minute.

The recipe was also advertised as being “healthy” and while their version definitely was, as pointed out by my sister after explaining to her my substitutions, mine was decidedly less healthy.

My substitutions included regular flour instead of oat flour and regular sugar instead of liquid sugar, because of this, my version also included milk that I poured in without measuring until I thought the consistency looked correct. That was probably my second mistake.

My first mistake was the size ramekin I used. Compared to the one in the video, mine looks to be a lot deeper and on my first attempt to make this recipe, the mixture barely rose to half the container, honestly, it looked pretty pathetic.

The taste wasn’t that great either, I used regular granulated sugar instead of liquid sugar, but it didn’t really make much of a difference because the cocoa powder I used was still overpoweringly bitter.

Well, if at first you don’t succeed, you try again, I guess.

I was absolutely humbled after the sad excuse that was my first attempt and tried again, only this time I tried doubling the recipe to take into account the depth of my ramekin compared to the one in the TikTok. This is the point where I derailed from the original recipe in a major way, my measurements were very haphazard and I made quite the mess (thankfully, I managed to clean up before my mom could come home and scold me for it haha).

The second time around I also added more sugar and more pieces of chocolate on top to offset the bitterness from the cocoa powder. Fortunately, this did make it sweeter, unfortunately, the result of my improvising made the texture of the “brownie” more cake-like than anything, but otherwise it was pretty good.

I took the liberty of adding some whipped cream for added sweetness too.

All in all, it was a pretty easy way to start off, but the recipe I used probably wasn’t the best for me considering how much I ended up deviating from it in the end. Possibly my main motivation for doing this recipe in the first place was to finally have an excuse to go out and buy some ramekins, of which I could never justify before.

Anyway, I have two ramekins now so that’s a plus.

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