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Nutella Banana Crepes

Crepes are one of those things that I never know how to classify. Is it a dessert? Is it a breakfast? Is it just a regular food?? Crepes can be served savory or sweet since the crepe itself is just the dough wrapping keeping the fillings inside. As for me and a majority of my family, we like sweet crepes.

Honestly, I've always been saddened by the lack of places where I could buy crepes around the place where I live. Mostly, it's limited to restaurants and are only served for breakfast or brunch, but even then, only a couple of the dinners around me have crepes on their menus. The only other place I can think of is a spot at the mall I live near, which never seems to be open whenever I'm there, as well as a cute little crepe stand on the Asbury Park boardwalk.

The fact of the matter is: I love crepes.

I especially love sweet crepes, but making them myself is always a hassle. I'm one of those perfectionists who likes to get things right on the first try, otherwise, I'll just throw in the metaphorical towel. When making crepes, it kind of goes by that rule of "The first couple of crepes turn out ugly" and what not. This is something I despise! Not only is it annoying, it's also a waste of batter. Not everyone has one of those crepe making hotplates either.

So if you're going to make crepes with just the appliances you have in your kitchen, unless you're the kind of blessed person that has everything turn out right all of the time, be prepared for a couple of ugly crepes. They're still delicious though.

So if you're going to be making crepes, have a nonstick pan at the ready, and if you don't have a nonstick pan, be ready to grease your pan with butter or baking spray in between every few crepes.

Aside from the assembly process and the actual process it takes to cook the crepes, these are actually pretty easy and quick.

You'll need to get your fillings for the crepes, I'm my case, I love the Nutella and banana combo, but everyone has their preferences. My mom, for example, is more partial to the Nutella and strawberry combo.

The crepe batter is simple:

1 cup all purpose flour

2 large eggs

1/2 cup milk

1/4 tsp salt

2 tbsp melted butter

Mix them all together thoroughly so that there's no lumps left and you've got yourself some crepe batter. If you're making sweet crepes, like me, then feel free to add a teaspoon or two of vanilla extract for some extra sweetness!

After this, you're just going to pour the batter into the pan and making sure to move it around so its even and thin. I like to use a ladle for this!

Once all of your batter is gone, you can begin the assembly process! Simply spread some Nutella onto one half of the crepe and put your chopped up bananas on there too. Fold it up into a triangle, add some more Nutella on top, some powdered sugar, and some whipped cream and you're ready to eat them!

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